Tentacular Industries Core
Guardian 2000
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Guardian 2000 Ordering and License agreement 1. Customer agrees not to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, examine, inspect, operate, look at, execute, use, or otherwise touch the Product. 2. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Tentacular Industries from any claims arising out of any action or use that Customer, any associate of Customer, or any inhabitant of the same continent as Customer may take using this software, related software, any software, or no software at all. 3. Customer agrees that, in the event Tentacular Industries is sued by anyone for any reason whatsoever, Customer will pay Tentacular Industries' legal fees. 4. Customer agrees that this whole thing is a farce, already, and that if they are brain-damaged enough to enter any real information into this thing, that they will not be surprised when absolutely nothing happens.
I have read and agree to the license agreement.