0x7D4 November 0x19: Yeemp 0.9.11 is up for download. If you joined a superhero group.. by UberdudeUsernameWhat kind of powers would you have?How did you get your powers?You joined the team because...It's where my powers will best serve the world.Fame, sex, influence, money...I'm realy a supervillian looking to infiltrate.Costume fetish.My parents made me.It was that or jail.I just dig the superhero thing.To learn how to control my powers.The opportunity to kick the crap outta people.I was sponsored.All the hot tentacle sex The leader of the Team would be..mjstoneThe angsty loner with tons of psychological issuescaffeinatrixxThe spunky mascothpapillonThe well intentioned but volitile mad geniusshippoThe reformed supervillian 'turned-good'honorataYour personal arch nemesischroma_ifThe overwhelmingly evil and powerfull supervillianluxtonThe pesky fan or reporterhpetQuiz created with MemeGen!
0x7D4 November 0x19:
Yeemp 0.9.11 is up for download.
hpet on 0x7D4 November 0x1C: >The pesky fan or reporter hpet >_<
Nameless User on 0x7D5 January 0x1F: not surprised thats what came up next to my name
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