November 3, 2010:

It's now illegal to sit on the sidewalk. Great move, guys - now the cops will have to waste time making bums move around all day when they COULD be chasing down criminals. I wonder how many times I'll be cited? I know I would have been in violation of the ban more than once last month.

The bathroom is unaccountably full of dead hymenoptera (I found a parasitic wasp last night, and a honeybee today - am I being invaded by ZOMBEES or is there a wandering spider attempting seduction? Actually, that last might be the case, as I have a tentatively-identified Steatodes Grossa living in a web there.

Nineteen apparently lost. At least one media outlet is reporting a 'very slim' victory for 19 in San Francisco, though the official results say 65% of SF voted for it.

The supervisorial races won't be decided for a while yet. And somebody's run off with a bunch of ballots.


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