0x7D3 October 0x4

Seen, some days ago:
Alien shrieks fill the air as they wheel
the green psittacines settle in a photovore
and begin to stroke its genitalia with their hooked beaks.


Nameless User on 0x7D3 October 0x4:
Your parrots are having oral sex with the sunflowers again? .

Nameless User on 0x7D3 October 0x4:
This is a comment

Nameless User on 0x7D3 October 0x4:
test. What happens if I forget to close a <i> tag? italics

Nameless User on 0x7D3 October 0x4:
now another comment...will this be in italics?

Nameless User on 0x7D3 October 0x4:
I will close my italics tag
since I am a nice guy. Is this a feature or a bug?

Deekoo L. on 0x7D3 October 0x5:
The answer to your question, O Nameless User, is "Yes". In this case, a "I did not think to put a parser in" feature. Grnk. That will be an Annoying Feature To Add...

rokr on 0x7D3 November 0x16:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I am a foot man myself


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